I’m gonna miss it

I think I’ve finally arrived at a point as a mom where I am comfortable. I don’t panic if I see my son chewing on a marker. I don’t freak out when my daughter is having a tantrum. If we run out of wipes, I’ll just use some paper towels.

I make it work.

And as I reached this point, the point of less-stress, I realized that I will miss this stage. As someone who said previously that they didn’t like babies, it’s strange for me to say it.

But I will miss it.

I’ll miss opening the door to my son’s room and seeing him standing up in his crib, gripping the side, smiling at me.

I’ll miss going to wake up my daughter and as soon as she hears the door open, she darts under the covers laughing.

I’ll miss seeing my hubby do the “teeter-totter,” where he has one kid on each hip and dips them one at a time.

I’ll miss hearing my daughter tugging on my hand every 20 minutes saying she has to pee.

I’ll even miss my son’s insanely destructive period, where he would break 5 or 6 bottles a week by slamming them on the ground.

It’s hard to stop and enjoy motherhood on those days when you want nothing more than for bedtime to come and you can have a tiny bit of time for yourself.

But I honestly try to give my all to my kids all day every day, and try to enjoy everything – even the tantrums.


  1. i really look forward to reaching that point of comfort where i dont freak out over the tiniest thing and worry myself silly over stuff that probably isnt even that serious. Ive gotten a *little* better, but im pretty sure i’d still have a conniption-fit if DS was sucking on a marker (lol).

    But agreeing w/you, the baby stage is definitely enjoyable and i’ll miss it whole-heartedly when its over. At the same time, super excited to see DS begin to walk and talk!!!

    • @Yakini – Oh, yeah, with my son it’s kind of a “been there, done that” kind of experience. The boy tries to eat batteries. Can’t get the covers off the remotes fast enough. LOL. But I don’t trip or freak out anymore. I just know that I can’t leave the remotes on the edge of the couch anymore and if I do, they better not have the batteries in them.

  2. Ditto, and ditto! I was just sulking over the soon-to-be loss of those stages myself! Sniffle, sniffle!

    • @Execumama – Yeah, but you’ve got some spirited little girls so I’m sure the next stage will have you rolling on the floor laughing. :)

  3. You’re right. I will miss it. My youngest just turned 2 and is now trying to talk to me and be a “big boy.” I officially have no more babies in this house and I definitely will miss that. Almost enough to make me want another but, my sanity (and my husband) are screaming otherwise. LOL

    My eldest son is 7 and I enjoy the stage he’s in. So I’ve come to realize that with every stage of childhood/parenthood you find things to love about it, things to loathe and things you miss that they didnt do. But they always find ways to make you fall in love with exactly the point in which they are. :)

    • @Mignon – Yeah, I look forward to when they will be “little folks” – feeding themselves, going to school, all potty trained. I will miss the baby stage, but I’m looking forward to what’s next! :)

  4. That’s so sweet. I feel the same way. It’s hard to watch them grow up. At the same time, you are so tired and want those difficult phases to pass. But I know I’ll look back and wish for the days they were 1 and 2 (or smaller!) again. Life is precious and bittersweet.

    • @Gabrielle – Yeah, I look at my daughter and think, “You used to be a baby????” I honestly feel like that was someone else’s child. They grow so fast…*tear*