
My daughter.

There’s really nothing one can say about her. She’s just…my baby girl.

She is who she is. A sassy, independent, make-no-bones-about-her-feelings-when-she-doesn’t-get-her-way, almost three year old.

I swear this song starts playing when she enters a room.

Every day she finds some way to make me laugh, either on purpose or accident. She’s bold. She’s funny. She’s smart. She’s clever.

She’s needy. Always tugging on me for something. More water. A banana. I have to potty. The video stopped. Can you read me a story?  Where’s Nana? Give my teddy a kiss!

She’s curious. Always asking me what something is. Other babies would put everything in their mouths. She never did, instead asking, “What’s this?” as soon as she could talk.

She’s kind. After kicking her brother around the past couple months, she’s decided that since he’s here to stay, she might as well get used to him. She gives him hugs and kisses and tickles him ’til all eight of his teeth show.

She’s bossy. Has her supermodel pose down pat – feet shoulder width apart, slight tilt of the hip and neck, hands on the hips. “Mommy, it’s not that funny,” she’ll say if I burst out laughing at something she says. “Quit laughing.”

But she’s my baby girl, the one who made me a mommy, who said ready or not, here she comes.

Nothing could have prepared me for being her mommy. Nothing. She comes with her own rules.

But I love her more than even I can imagine.

Sometimes she curls up in my lap and looks me dead in the eye.

“I like you, Mommy.”

“I like you, too,” I reply, kissing her forehead. Nope, doesn’t get any better.


  1. So sweet! I have an intellectual one, a comedienne, and a DIVA too! I just love how girly my little 2 year can be!

  2. Beautiful post! Just. Beautiful.

  3. She is just way too adorable!!! And seems to have quite a big personality for a tiny little thing! Aaaah, i cant wait til Chase is her age…. talking and walking and things! Omg, i just cant imagine! :-)

  4. Courtney says:

    Ayanna is definitely animated, full of laughs and personality. I still chuckle to myself from when we were over the other day and she said the brocolli wasn’t good for her, LOL

  5. what a cutie patootie!!!! lovely post. she’ll love this whens she’s older and can read :-)

    • @ Mrs. W – How are you doing? How are the kiddies? Life with twins must be…something. LOL.

  6. Yes indeedy, the little girlies can melt our hearts and work our nerves all in one fell swoop! She’s a beautiful little yummy mama, thanks for sharing!!

  7. chile, these kids!!!!! the twins are fattening up, lol and my super helper makes some of my days easier…and as olivia from the cosby show would say, “i’m still alive!” u may be too young to remember that 😉 unless u watch reruns