Before You Know It…

I walked into my son’s room this morning, like I do every morning to wake him up, change his diaper and clothes, and feed him breakfast.

I peek over the railing of his crib. 

So peaceful. So serene.

My son, laying on his side, hands in little half-fists, mouth open, humming. Wish I could have bottled that and kept it with me all day.

And then I realized.

One day I won’t have to wake up and make him a bottle. I won’t have to check to make sure we have enough diapers before he goes to bed and my infamous midnight Wal-mart diaper runs will be a thing of the past. I won’t have to put on his clothes for him.

One day, I will walk into his room and there won’t be a baby, but little boy. And then a teenager. Instead of a crib, there will be a full-sized bed. He’ll be big, arms hanging off the bed, clothes on the floor, subtle hints of a moustache growing. He’ll be on his way to being a man.

I’m not a sappy mom by any means, but I wonder: How many more of these mornings will I get? Is it gradual or do you just wake up one day, blink and your babies are now…grown?

Have you ever had one of those mom moments where you feel like motherhood is rapidly passing you by? Share in the comments!


  1. YIKES! it goes by waaaaaaaaay too fast.

    i too think about when twin #1 will tower over me and drop his dirty sports clothes on the floor and breeze past me with a slice of pizza in his mouth…and when twin #2 will be dissing me to follow her big sister to the mall. so even tho i swore i wouldn’t “spoil” them, i find myself nestled in those sweet baby moments…like just letting one or both snuggle with me while i breathe those cute baby smells. i still can’t believe i have a toddler…running around here telling me to count in japenese and that she appreciates me, lol. they grow way too fast and i know i’ll miss the day when they don’t need me for every little thing :-(

    • @ Mrs W. – Yes, sometimes I look at my daughter (who’s 2.5) and think, “Where did the baby go?” Like, one day she was a baby, the next day she’s telling me not to tell her, “No.” What?

  2. Shalonda says:

    I felt like that on Monday. My husband and I took our 1-year-old son to daycare for the first time. He was upset at first, but as soon as he saw the girls in his class he was fine. He’s a little flirt, and I don’t know how to handle it.

  3. All the time! I sometimes stare at my daughters, and I swear I can see their grown up selves. Wonderful, but a bit sap-inducing, indeed!

    • @Execumama – Oh, my goodness, yes! I swear my son makes these “grown man” faces and I say, “Awwww…that’s how you will look in 20 years!” I’m not ready!!!

  4. Yep, had one of those moments a couple of days ago when my 14 yo son walked past me in the kitchen and I realized that I had to tilt me head back a bit to look him in the eye. I playfully admonished, “Hey would you please stop that!” He looked at me in surprise, and inquired, “What? What did I do?” To which I begged, “Please stop that growing!!” He got a good chuckle outa that, but inwardly I was mourning the loss of my little boy!

    P.S. Had fun chattin’ with you last night!

    • @ CafeMochaMomma – Awwww…I know that would have got me too! Right now, my son is just growing so fast, probably because I don’t get to fully absorb every moment of his babyhood like I did with his sister (the oldest). I don’t know how you do it with seven, because I constantly feel like I’m ignoring one of the kids…

  5. Yes ma’am. I have had plenty of those moments and as they grow, with every milestone they have, you’ll have those moments. My baby is turning 6 tomorrow and I look back like, wow, when did all of this happen. I’ve been present for it all, but it still goes by super fast. The thing to remember those is that, although they mature they will always be our babies =). He may no longer need you to feed and clothe him, but he will always need you.

  6. cassandra says:

    I have these moments all the time! My daughter just turned two and now I’m running behind her every minute. She’s a pycho!(But in a good way) Lol very hyperactive and would dance and sing at the top of her lungs. And she makes me laugh :) I started thinking about the times when she was a infant and she would just lay there on the bed…so helpless. How I woudld just plop her up on a pillow and she would roll off flat on her face and would try to move herself but cant…awwww Lol I miss that! Two years really went by fast!

  7. i SO feel you. my son is 3 and i was wondering where my cute, chubby-cheeked baby went? the time flies so fast, it’s amazing. i’m resigned to just try to remember EVERYTHING and take lots of pictures. that’s all we can do. make everyday special.

  8. Jenneth says:

    This is great because this is exactly how I feel. I keep trying to convince my little boy not to get any bigger. I just stumbled across your website and I absolutely love it. Thank you for posting the thoughts that I think everday!

    • @Jenneth – Aww, thanks. Yeah, I’m in complete denial about my little boy growing up. I don’t want to believe it, even though his big sis is growing by the minute. For some reason I think he will just stay a baby forever.