What I get for buying store-brand products

Picture this scene: My daughter and I kneeling on the floor in front of her brother, whose dry facial skin has aggravated him to the point where he had rubbed his chin raw. After cleaning his chin, I ask my daughter to hand me the Vaseline that’s sitting next to her. Dialogue as follows:

Me: Sweetie, can you hand Mommy the Vaseline?

Daughter: No….

Me: What?

Daughter: Mom, it’s not Vaseline.

Me: Hand.me.the.Vaseline.

Daughter: It’s not Vaseline. It’s petroleum jelly. [Of course, from her 2.5 year old mouth it sounds like, “Pe-no-lum jelly”]

Me: Hand it to me.

Daughter: It’s petroleum jelly.

Me: Give me the Vaseline.

Daughter: But it’s…

Me: Okay, it’s petroleum jelly! Hand it to me, please.

Daughter, picks up the jar and hands it to me: You’re welcome!

Can you believe this little booger wouldn’t hand me the jar until I admitted my cheap ways and professed to her that Mommy didn’t feel like paying an extra 50 cents just so the word “Vaseline” could be stamped across the front?

Hmph. Someone’s not aware there’s a recession going on…


  1. superwomanmomlady says:

    LMAO!!! That is priceless. Sometimes you just have to smile honey.

  2. Shawnta` says:

    So funny but cute. Kids say (and do) the darndest things. :-)

  3. LOL!

  4. LOL!!! That was hysterical! Kids are so “real,” arent they?!!

  5. Hey – have you ever tried 100% pure coconut oil on his skin?? I use that on my daughter dry face and body. I love it for me too!

    • @ Ashley – ASHLEY!!! Haven’t heard from you in a little while – how are you??? GOT ME SO EXCITED I’M TYPING IN ALL CAPS!!!!

      I haven’t used 100% pure coconut oil because it tends to make me break out (I’m allergic) and my daughter has some of the same allergies I do, so I’m not sure about the baby boy yet. I HAVE used some 100% pure cocoa butter on him but I hadn’t put it on his face lately (bad mom alert!) – just forgot. The cocoa butter has worked so I’ll have to be more diligent…
      Anyway, good to have you back! :)

  6. Hilarious!! :)