Why don’t you SHINE!

If you’ve taken the grand tour around my new blog layout, you’ll see that I’ve updated a few things and added a new feature or two. First, there’s a SPOTLIGHT tab up there where I will feature a very special young mom and give her the proper space to shine.

This month’s Young Mommy Spotlight features Cymonne Marsh-Green. She e-mailed me saying she enjoyed the blog (I was cheesing from ear to ear when I read it!) and then she preceeded to tell me her story.

I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you all that she BLEW.ME.AWAY. Raising two kids while her husband is deployed and going to school? She wins the “Oh, my goodness, can I get you anything?” award for sure. So go check her out. Right up there. Click. Enjoy.

Want to be featured? Hit me up at youngmommychronicles@gmail.com or use the Contact form on the (duh!) Contact page. Give me a brief summary of your life and I will definitely contact you to get more information.

‘Til next time, ladies.


  1. another example of how wondrous women, specifically mothers are…

    kudos to mrs. marsh-green for being such a force! the fact that her husband is actually abroad has got to be draining emotionally. but thru it all she has kept focused and it will all definitely pay off…YAY!

  2. Cymonne says:

    First, I would like to say thanks for the words of encouragement. It’s nice to be appreciated. Most of all, thanks to you Tara for having a forum for young mothers like myself to come and be comforted, to laugh and to feel good about themselves.

    • @ Cymonne – No, thank YOU for coming by, leaving comments and joining in the discussion. If it were just me, blogging about what I feel every day, it would be extremely boring. But I have moms like you come by, and you inspire me. If I have a bad day, I stop and think, “I’m stronger than this. Look at what [Insert name of Young Mommy reader here] can do. Cymonne is raising these cutie-pie kids by herself while her husband is deployed and I can’t handle watching the kids for two hours?” Your stories give me strength. I thank God for you guys every day.