
  1. It’s a phase that she will grow out of. Believe me. My 1st went through that. At 18 months until…well…it was a long time, but this girl would only eat porridge. 3 times a day, every day. My sister in law told me not to fret because her eldest went through Eggo Waffles for about 2 years. Somehow they manage to still grow and they eventually come out of it. Give her a multi-vitamin and try not to stress yourself out.

  2. Cymonne says:

    I may be a bad mom but I bargain with my daughter. I tell her all she has to do is take one bite and I won’t bother her anymore. Then when she does it, I ask her if it’s good and sometimes she says yes and eats. Most of the time, it’s no. But I call it a small victory if she actually eats just one bite. Like Kaye said, it’s one of those things they grow out of. Soon you’ll be suprised at how much she eats.

    • @Cymonne – I am so glad I am not the only one dealing with a child like this! I mean, I wish all our kids would just eat whatever we give them, but hey, as long as they are healthy. that’s all that matters, right? Besides, my daughter is sooo polite when she refuses food. It’s always, “Oh, no thank you mommy. I don’t want any.” Just as sweet as pie. So at least she’s not a demon child. And no, you are not a bad mom. I’M a bad mom ’cause even when I bargain with her, she still won’t eat! LOL.

  3. I too have a similar situation…so don’t worry. What she is getting to eat is great for her!!! My daughter almost 4 in a few months went 2 yrs….eating at most….maybe a teaspoon of each item offered…some days one bite….I supplimented her diet with pedi-sure and other fruits and things as I could…but then all of a sudden one day…she ate a tablespoon of each item….took her alot longer then the other kids- but she did it then…pretty soon she was eating smal portions of each food…it took time but she still doesn’t eat a ton but she eats…and she’s fine…not grumpy or wakign up at night or anythig ike that!! Which is what matters. My daughter was also very independt and refused to actaly eat baby foods so as soon as she could grasp she was eating those gerber toddler meals…b/c she just didn’t want me feeding her…lol…she’s still this head strong..buut she came around the corner…I too am like you to where my 2.5 yr old actuallyout weighs her by 15 pounds…she’s at 24 about and very tiny and short and hes amost taller than her and almost 40 pounds…he’s not fat though so I don’t worry about either…but it is funny at the doctors…she’s always been in the 3-5th percentile….once the 7th…lol…and hes always in the 90th….hahahahaha. So, no don’t worry, if her behavior and attitude or sleep and such isn’t affected- then no worries!!! Keep up the good work..your doing the best she’l let you…and your not starving her offering her items…and just wait…one day out of no where…shes going to eat it…lol…and you’ll stare in amazement wondering …but something i learned is don’t force her or to make her do it…cause then it makes eating an unpleasant experience and with little grils like we have the more you push the less that will get done…lol….but your doing great!!! and kids go through these spurts..never know how long…my almost 10 yr old son goes some days where i wonder…how int he heck he survives cause he’s just not hungry…and some days he eats like a horse…lol…but he’s tiny almot weighing ony 48 pounds…lol..but my 2.5 yr ld son inhales all food and always has…lol so good luck and your doing awesome!!! Just keep offering her a variety of foods…a teaspoon or tablespoon of this and that…even though you know she may not each it..keep offering it and I assure you she’ll suprise the heck out of you one day!

  4. I’m a firm believer that when they’re hungry, they’ll eat. Until her appetite adjusts itself, just continue to offer healthy options, add a vitamin, and keep it moving. As long as she’s growing I say it’s all good!

    • @ Nerd Girl – I know you are right. I just try to make sure the food she does eat is healthy and I sneak some vitamin drops in her cup. So…I guess I’m doing all I can, right? :)

  5. Girl, Jaelah tried and she failed. She would tell me that she wasn’t hungry or didn’t want to eat what I made for dinner, but I wasn’t having it. Eventually, she would give in and eat what I made because she was hungry. I didn’t give her options. If she didn’t eat her ALL her food, then she didn’t get anything to drink.

    But my son is a different story. He loves Cocoa Puffs and will eat them all day if he could. It got so bad that I couldn’t keep them in the house because if he saw them, he would have a fit. He’s obsessed with cereal, bananas, cookies and pizza. I can’t force him like I did Jaelah. At least not at this age. (He’s not even two yet.) He’s too stubborn.

    Every child is different. But you have to be as feisty with her as she is when it comes to her food.

    • @ Alexia – See, I tried that with my daughter and this girl could go for DAYS without eating. DAYS. People say, “She’ll eat when she’s hungry.” Um, yeah. She never gets hungry. But it’s a phase I guess. I got tired of being stressed about dinner and worrying about her eating. I would feel the dread when dinner time rolled around because it was the same fight every day. Got tired of it. Mama has enough things to be worried about!

  6. wish i could help… my oldest (2.5) is also pretty picky. my husband gets mad, but i refuse to make a war over food at this age. he’s gotten better recently – i find that the more i oooh and aaah over what i’m eating, the more likely he’ll try it… that being said, he’s still mostly on chicken nuggets, cheerios and apples.

    • @ MommyNamedApril – Oh, your son eats apples? Yay! I made the mistake of giving my daughter a Granny Smith apple the first time and the sour taste just turned her off. *sigh* But she is slowly getting better and you’re right – if you keep oohing and ahhing, eventually they’ll be like, “What tastes so good?” LOL.

  7. I once cut up a few different kinds of fruit and arranged the pieces into a turtle. Maybe doing something fun with new foods will encourage her to try them.

    I’m not a mommy yet, but I had to wake up at 6:30am and take care of my newborn sister when I was 14. ( I love her to bits)