You ask, I answer

Every now and then, I get some questions from readers in my inbox. A lot of times people ask the same questions, so I figured I’ll answer them in their very own post. So are you ready? Here we go!

Q: What was your reaction when you found out you were pregnant?

A: Um, I was scared s%#$less.

Q: What about the second time?

A: Um, I was scared s%#$less.

Q: Your most embarassing mommy moment?

A: It wasn’t really embarassing, but it was pretty funny. I was at the auto shop, when I had stopped in with my then nine-month-old daughter for a quick oil change. As they poked around, they determined that I needed a few more services and every few minutes they’d add another to the list. My daughter was getting fed up in the backseat and I had to take her out and the mechanic ushered us into his office while they finished the repairs. I was getting pretty pissed because I thought it would be a quick stop, but I had been there for about 45 minutes at this point. She was getting heavy in my arms so I set her down on his desk. When he came in to give me the final bill (which was nowhere closed to the $19.99 oil change I had anticipating paying for), he frowned and motioned toward the desk. I picked my daughter up and lo and behold she had peed all over his desk. I have never felt prouder of her. That’s what he got for overcharging me.

 Q: Where exactly do you live?

A: I live where I live. A tiny, quiet little town. Lots of grass and deer. Oh, and wild turkeys. (No, seriously.)

Q: Plan on having any more kids?

A: You couldn’t pay me to have any more kids. I’m soooo done. Next question.

Q: Favorite part of maintaining this here blog?

A: Probably hearing from other moms – young or otherwise. So many insightful and/or hilarious comments. I never would have met you guys otherwise.  

Q: One thing you learned about motherhood that you want to tell anyone trying to conceive?

A: Sleep as much as you can during your pregnancy. Seriously. Sleep deprivation is the devil.

Well, that’s all for now. We’ll open the mailbag again soon! Tell me, any other questions you’d like to ask? No? Then YOU answer one of the questions above – I’d love to hear from you! Go ahead, tell me your most embarassing mommy moment or whether or not you plan on having more kids. Let’s go!


  1. Courtney says:

    Why are you deceiving your readers like that on the more kids question?! It’s only a matter of time before MY (;-P) guest room is turned into another nursery. They bought a 4 bedroom MANSION for a reason yall!

  2. I thought that after like three years or so I’d be ready to have another, but after watching my niece and nephew one weekend on top of having my own little one, I strongly reconsidered having more than one little person around at a time. I am about to make that Mirena appt. asap.

  3. tmpringl says:

    @Courtney – Haha, you are too funny. Girl, I’m done having kids – these two are wearing me OUT, do you hear me?

  4. @ Ashley – Oooh, yes! The Mirena! I love it! (Well, not really, but I’m not pregnant so wooo-hoo!!!)

    Don’t be scared of the insertion. It’s probably going to be uncomfortable, but it should only take no more than 5 minutes. Definitely better than the alternative – getting pregnant and going into labor…LOL.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Mom Blogs – Blogs for Moms…