Battle of the baby weight, part one

My daughter (a.k.a. The Star Of This Blog) asked me for some grapes. I quickly obliged, since for the past day and a half all she wanted to eat were jalapeno tortilla chips.

As she sits on the couch next to me watching the True Hollywood Story of LL Cool J (I’m a bad mom, what can I say?) I reach over and take a grape and eat it. She looks at me while I do this and even though I can tell she doesn’t mind, she’s giving me a look like don’t do it again.

But that grape was delicious so of course I get one more. And another. She’s looking quite peeved, but miraculously, she doesn’t say anything. I take another grape and apparently I’ve reached my limit.

She gets up and stands in front of me. She plucks one out of the bowl and hands it to me. “Here, mommy,” she says. “This is it! This is your last one! No more for you!”

Um, who’s the mother? Me? Really…?


  1. This made me LAUGH! She’s a cutie =)

  2. Courtney says:

    I’m so mad I wasn’t there to see that. She is toooooo much!!!

  3. Hilarious!!

  4. cassandra says:

    Lol this is so cute. Kids seems to. Amaze me everyday. Do you mind me asking when would your daughter turn three? She seems to be saying a lot for a two year old..very grown up. My daughter is not yet two and she still says “baba” for milk. No matter how much a drill it in her head to say milk,( she is very stubbron because she has said it before) she shakes her head and screem “baba”. Lol

  5. cassandra says:

    Lol this is so cute. Kids seems to amaze me everyday. Do you mind me asking when would your daughter turn three? She seems to be saying a lot for a two year old..very grown up. My daughter is not yet two and she still says “baba” for milk. No matter how much a drill it in her head to say milk,( she is very stubbron because she has said it before) she shakes her head and screem “baba”. Lol

  6. Adorableyaya says:

    This is so funny! Thanks for the visual.

  7. tmpringl says:

    See, it’s funny because my daughter will be three in November. But I honestly thought she would never talk ’cause she used to be so quiet and only said four or five words you could make out. It’s only been in the last four months or so that her vocab just exploded. So hang in there, I bet your daughter will be talking your ear off soon!