Tasty Tip: Get Onion Flavor Without The Tears

onionsIf you’ve been blessed with good knives and quick hands, you can avoid the whole “crying your eyes out while chopping onions” routine. Me, I kind of enjoy the pain, but only because I’m crazy like that.

But since I enjoy onions in almost everything I cook, I had to figure out a better way to do it.

So now I use my box grater to get the real pungent onion “juices” into the dish I’m making. It’s especially good in ground meat recipes, like meatballs, meatloaf and burgers. Plus you’re finished in seconds, not minutes.

Try this stainless steel 4-sided grater from Target for starters. At $20, it might be more than you’re willing to pay, but if you use it at least 4 times a week, it more than pays for itself in the amount of tears it saves you.  



  1. Great idea, love! And you know if you want to get the smell off your fingers after you finish grating/chopping, rub your hands on stainless steel… takes the smell right on away, like magic. Amazing!

  2. So, you mean to tell me that my hands don’t have to smell like onions for like 2 days after I’ve made a meal?? Looks like this grater would kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

    For my eye burn, I always run to the freezer and stick my head in for a minute =)

  3. I just buy the already chopped onions now. I also buy the other blends with celery, carrots and onions or red, green, and yellow peppers in the freezer section to cut down on time, work, & the smelly fingers..lol