How I stay sane with two kids under two

It’s tough out here for a mom.

These days, I spend most of my time with two kids and a husband. One kid is usually guaranteed to be either beginning or ending a tantrum. And when one quits, the other picks it up. They’re like a mini-Olympic crying relay team. Quite a team, those two. Hard to believe they’ve only been at it for four months.

The problem with having two kids under two is that they are both equally demanding. Both still need you to wipe their butts, feed them dinner, and entertain them when they get bored. This problem is multiplied by the fact that neither one cares that the other one has needs too. My 2-year-old could care less that three hours have passed since her baby brother has last eaten, and my baby boy doesn’t quite understand that his big sis hasn’t quite mastered this whole potty business, and therefore needs me to attend to her diaper.

How do I manage? By keeping things in perspective. I think about this: Even if today is a really bad day, there is always tomorrow. If tomorrow is bad too, then maybe you’re just having a bad week. A bad week here or there in the larger scheme of things isn’t too bad.

When I find myself in a frustrating situation (say, the kid was running through the house after you told them not to, and they tripped over your computer cord, and your computer fell off the desk. It was pronounced dead instantly), I stop and think: Is it really that bad? I’m okay, my kids are just being kids, I WILL SURVIVE.

That has become my mantra of sorts. I’m okay, my kids are just being kids, WE WILL SURVIVE  THIS. Trust me, it works!


  1. Don’t I know what you mean!!! Boy…you are Mommy of the Cent.ur.ry! Sometimes I think I could be serial mommy (ever seen that movie with Kathleen Turner) easy… (kidding) I know I can be Crazy Mommy, Neurotic Mommy…I don’t know about my computer…I have been Big Kid Mommy plenty times before!

  2. Mine are 7, 4, 16 months and 3 months. Since I have older children, i realize just how crazy fast this time is. I know that even though the days may seem to drag on, the years go by in a flash.

    So even on days where I want to get in bed and let the house fall down around me, I know this will pas s faster than a blink of an eye. Someday we may even want this chaos back, when they’re staying out all night long and doing teenager-y type stuff.

  3. Great post and strategy. You keep us inspired super woman:)

  4. HAHAHA! You just keep on chanting that one sista!

    I can imagine all the fun. My sister in-law has 5 mths old twins and she has spend many nights in tears. I think she’s gotten into the swing of things now though… oh, and did I mention that she also has a 4 year old? Lucky for her, my nephew is in school during the day and dad takes care of the babies while she goes off to work.