“Jon and Kate” keep me sane…

I have an obsession that I need to write about. Every single chance I get, I watch episodes of Jon and Kate plus 8 on TLC. Oh, the joys!

For those who don’t know, Jon and Kate Gosselin live in Pennsylvania with their 8 kids. No biggie, right? Why do they need a show about that? Well, they have twins and they have sextuplets. Meaning, in the span of two pregnancies, they went from zero to eight kids.

Read that again: went from zero to eight in the span of three years. Just thinking about it is enough to make me want to jump off a bridge. I’m freaking out because I’m about to be a mommy of two (over a span of three years). Granted, all children require a ton of work, and women who have fewer than eight kids shouldn’t feel like their lives aren’t hard. Because they are. I’m sure.

But watching Jon and Kate manage to take care and love their eight children and then still have time for each other inspires me to give a little more to everyone: myself, my kid(s), my hubby, my family.



  1. Anonymous says:

    I love Jon and Kate also! Did you see tonight they’re going to show them BEFORE the kids? I’m so excited! I love them!

  2. jandkplus8luver says:

    I love it to