[YML Gives Back] “Helping Young Families” Holiday Campaign

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“To whom much is given, much is required.” This is my father’s favorite saying. Growing up, he was always reminding me and my sisters that we were blessed by our place in life. We weren’t rich by any means, but we were fortunate enough to be able to travel and have many joyous Christmases under the tree. We were taught (by both parents) that giving back is just something you do. You don’t think about it — you just act.

In the spirit of the holiday season, I have been setting aside time each day to take a few deep breaths and count all the blessings, both big and small, in my life. I’m vowing to not take anything for granted. Not my house, my career, my health and my children’s health. Do I still have stresses? Yes, but in the large scheme of things, I know my obligations are nothing to freak out about.

That’s why I’m looking to help families this holiday season. Money can be really tight, when you factor in higher heating bills for the colder months, the expectation of Christmas presents, family visiting, extra gas costs, etc, on top of everyday bills.

From now until December 13, I will be matching families with donors for small holiday gifts. If you have $10 to spare, you could help a family have a better holiday season.

(If the form below doesn’t work for you, try this one. Email me at tara@theyoungmommylife.com with any questions!)


  1. You are so awesome. I love that you’re always finding a way to use The Young Mommy Life to empower and help others. If I haven’t told you lately, you’re truly an inspiration!


  1. […] get what they need for this holiday season. Whether you’re looking to give or receive, head over there to find out more and fill out the application. This is my first year getting involved in the giving […]

  2. […] me but I make it a point to give to others, especially a potential young mom who may be struggling (here is how I found out about […]