What Would You Do If You Knew You Wouldn’t Fail?

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A local young professional group asked me to be their keynote speaker at an event they’re holding in August.

As I scanned the email, my stomach got tight and I could feel the sweat beads start to form on my forehead. “Hey, honey,” I said, turning the computer around so my husband could see. “Look at this email.”

He read it. “Sounds like a great opportunity.”

“Yeah…it does,” I said slowly. I wanted to take it, but I was scared.

“Just do it,” my inner voice said. “What’s the worst that can happen? You know this topic inside and out, you’ll get to meet other cool people in your area, and it’ll be great to put on your resume.”

I typed out a quick acceptance email and clicked send before I could talk myself out of it. It’s done. I’m doing it.

While I’m still nervous (and I will be shaking in my shoes until the moment before they introduce me), I’ve learned that nerves are a poor excuse to hold yourself back. You’ll always be nervous when doing things that take you out of your comfort zone, but that’s where the sweet stuff is.

I had never written a book before, but I did it and those monthly royalty checks are a nice reminder that if I put my mind to it, I can figure it out.

I had never put together a webinar before, but I did it, and I still get emails from people who are putting my tips into action and it makes me smile.

Taking a deep breath and putting myself out there has always given me positive results, even if the only thing I learned was how to do it better next time.

My personal philosophy is to give myself more credit than I probably deserve. I’d rather aim too high than shoot too low. That mentality keeps me moving forward, with the ability to create a life that I want.

Real talk? My “ideal life” looks a little something like this:

  • I can go into most stores and buy something without sweating at the register.
  • I can take a two-week vacation at least once a year.
  • My kids have 100% of their needs and 60% of their wants.
  • My husband and I stay connected through weekly date nights.
  • I’m centered, mentally and spiritually. I have peace of mind.

For the most part, being broke doesn’t fit with my plans. So I need to be the best I can be in order to get the life I really want. That means pushing past fear and stretching outside of your comfort zone. I did it—will you?



  1. Interesting and what could be very timely advice for me, Tara. I was offered a job that involves a lot of risk and sacrifice and I just can’t decide what to do!!

  2. I’m definitely working hard to push past my fears and get my brand out there more. With my kids getting older and the Mr and I wanting to buy a house, I want to help position us in a place where we’re not constantly stressing over finances. I don’t have to be Oprah rich but I do want to be more than a little comfortable.

  3. I knkw wnat I want but I have to,admit I’m so scared to get it because if I fail I’ll have more failures than successes(in my mind anyway). Since my mom’s passing.in September,I’ve decided to take the leap of faith and jump into the unknown. She’d be proud of me.because if I fail,at least I gave it a GOOD try,which is all I can do. I want to live my dream in 2014!