Monday Morning Inspiration: Motherhood Is A Marathon Not A Sprint

My son turned four over the weekend so as I write this I now have a five-year-old and a four-year-old living in my house. Things are great. Both kids are potty trained and can get their own snacks and wipe their own butts and can get dressed for bed by themselves. It’s like Christmas over at the Young Mommy household.

But before…

When they were 2 and 1? Things were not that great. I was constantly tired, always on the move to take care of their needs. They were like a relay team. As soon as I got one kid settled, the other would fuss. Having two kids under two was no joke. It made me feel for the mothers of multiples or the moms with three under three or four under four!

But now I can breathe a little. I can sit down and work on the computer for an hour without feeling like I’m completely neglecting them. I’m finding little pockets of time to exercise. Shoot, our sex life is back on track. (Hallelujah! ) I feel like I’ve found my groove as a mother and THIS is what I had been searching for while crying from exhaustion the nights neither one of my children wanted to sleep or the nights when I would stay up to 4 a.m. to work: Feeling confident in whatever motherhood could throw at me.

So today’s inspiration is for those at the starting line. Motherhood, for me at least, was most difficult in the beginning. When I would wonder if I was making the right decision or wonder if I would ever get the hang of it.

I’m here to tell you that things do get easier. They really do. Kids get older and you will begin to feel more like “you” but a better version. Don’t let motherhood get you feeling defeated. It’s all-encompassing and some days you will feel like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel with no signs of getting off. But there is magic happening. Your kids will begin to blossom into wonderful little humans and you’ll see all facets of their personality begin to shine and YOU had a huge role in making that happen.

You’re a mother, an amazing gift in their lives and don’t you ever forget it.