{YML Voices} A Woman’s Transition

by Amber Turner

The transition from womanhood to mommyhood happened a little later than I expected. Being a young mom, the transitions that all women go through flew a lot faster than one would expect. I was really young when everything happened for me.

I was 18 and still under the confines of my parent’s rules and regulations when I met my first boyfriend who is now my husband. I was married by 20 and had my first child about a year later. Thereafter, when my daughter was 18 months, I was expecting my second child. All the responsibilities of being a wife and a working mother came shooting at me like a bullet.

At some point though, after I graduated from college and the dust started to settle, is when I truly made the transition from being a woman with kids to motherhood. During my state of transition from womanhood to mommyhood, I was able to take the time to reflect on the lessons learned not only as a mother but as a wife. I vowed to myself to use the lessons learned and the mistakes I made as a vehicle that will take me on my ongoing journey through mommyhood.

I realized that from this point forward I will ALWAYS be a mommy. No one can take that from me. I might not always be a wife, an employee or a friend but I will always hold that title to two special little ones.

This is only the beginning for me. Though it has been a challenge at times, being a mother has allowed me the opportunity to explore new possibilities that I would have not otherwise experienced. Motherhood has allowed me to meet some great people that have touched my life in ways and with such gravity that they will never know. I have learned so much about myself and my capabilities. I have grown up. I have been taken out of my comfort zone, which allowed me to spread my wings. My kids have made me take a good look at myself and my flaws. Though they don’t know it, they have helped me to want and to be a better person. I am so much better for it. I want them to know that the sky is the limit and all dreams are possible, so I have to be a living testimony.

Amber blogs at http://www.hippyfitmom.com/