Last minute gifts for the loves in your life

I’m not one to do holiday gift guides but as I sit here four days before Christmas and I realize I have yet to buy a gift for 1) my mom, 2) my dad and 3) my husband, I’m realizing some helpful suggestions might indeed go a loooong way toward saving me this “WTH are they getting?” headache I get every year.

I’m browsing online in order to make a mad dash to the store tomorrow and I’m sharing some of the items I’ve found. Love it? Already got ’em? Leave it in the comments…

Your BFF since junior high

Who couldn’t use a new clutch? Seriously. And a pretty purple clutch with metallic accents? Yeah, I need one of these in my purse pronto. Payless, $14.99

Your toddler

So your little one is about 2 or 3 (or 4), right? So he/she doesn’t remember the whole “OMG I want a Tickle Me Elmo or ELSE I WILL DIE!” crazy from the 90s. Hell, the Original Tickle Me Elmo will do just fine and it’s literally half the price of the newest version. Granted, it doesn’t do as much stuff but hey, we’re doing the best we can. Toys R Us, $14.99.

Your caring boyfriend/fiance/husband

My husband is so hard to shop for I’m thisclose to giving up and just giving him cash every year. It’s ridiculous. The man has no hobbies and he has a closet full of clothes so I’m always short on ideas on what he would like. So I usually go the specialty food route, giving him a pack of spices and special sauces/marinades that he wouldn’t ordinarily get a chance to taste. Find a specialty food store near you and hook your man up right. (I have my eye on this Champagne mustard – yum!)

Your mom (AKA the On-Call Babysitter)

So Nana deserves something nice, right? Well, shoot, I wish I had “Get Nana a nice present” money because my budget is shot these days. But I’m doing the best I can to show my mom how much I appreciate being able to leave my kids with her and have total peace of mind. I would get my mom a couple of items from the Philosophy line (available at Sephora), including this Share the Joy gift set, $36


  1. The clutch is perfect for a bff and is exactly the route I went. My mom gets a new dress coat.

    I couldn’t resist giving my husband his gifts early so now, I am thinking about buying him a new engraved band since his finger has shrunken a couple of sizes and giving that as his Christmas gift.

  2. Hey man! Don’t steal my idea for TJ! You know him better, get him something else! Signed, Auntieof2 aka TheYoungMommy’s sister

  3. All excellent gift ideas! And might I add that my 20 month old absolutely adores not only his Tickle-Me-Elmo, he also enjoys his Chicken-Dance-Elmo, Limbo-Elmo, and Rock-and-Roll-Elmo! I think I’m sold on the idea to get my fiance some really good BBQ sauce or something too. There’s this Jack Daniel’s BBQ sauce I think he’s been wanting to try. While I’m at it I’ll get my dad a bottle.
    .-= Danielle´s last blog ..Magical Three Month Mark =-.

  4. These are all actually really great and affordable gifts. I especially like the clutch for a friend and anything therapeutic or body lotions, body wash, candles etc. are always a great idea for a mom or grandmom. CJ like you I couldn’t resist giving my hubby at least one of his gifts early :-)This year I decided to get my mom an engraved Grandmother snowglobe that sings from Things Remembered, that’s her gift from her grandson and it’s actually on sale right now for 29.99 in store. Great Post!

  5. Fantastic ideas!!
    .-= jess; [the bottle chronicles]´s last blog ..Pictures of Our Christmas Festivities =-.