25 Reasons to Rejoice

Today I turn 25 years old.

I am happy. Happier than I have ever been. Despite being unemployed, my spirits have never been higher.

For the first time in my adult life, I wake up happy. Not that “Today is gonna be a good day” type of happy, but rather “life is what you make it and I plan on making it great” type of happiness.

I love what I see what I’m looking in the mirror. I write a post and I blush ’cause I love the way I put words together. I no longer shy away from compliments because damn it, I’ve earned them. I live for my kids and my husband is my best friend and life is so freakin’ sweet.

And then I have you guys. All of you. Even those that I haven’t personally talked to. I feel like I’ve got a gang of moms in my corner and I hope all of you know that I’m in your corner, too. Slap some pom-poms in my hand, ’cause I’m your cheerleader.

24 was a wonderfully fantastic year. As I predicted it would be. But 25? Oooh, wee, I’m scared of what 25 is gonna bring. I’m branching out as a WAHM (work-at-home mom), finishing grad school, finishing a book, and spending more time being a fully present, in the moment Mommy. I’m scared, but man, am I ready.


  1. Happy 25th! What a wonderful time in life and what a wonderful outlook you have.

    Fear is normal … just go forth and thrive!

    Winks & Smiles,
    .-= Wifey´s last blog ..Atlanta Half Marathon- Can You Say PR =-.

  2. Happy 25th Birthday!!.. This is going to be your year!! Enjoy!
    .-= Alexandra´s last blog ..My thoughts for Thanksgiving =-.

  3. I can’t wait to see what this year brings for you….I’ll be cheering for you!!!

  4. Happy belated birthday, Tara!! I hope this year is filled with wonderful things for you:)

  5. What?! It seems like you just turned 24! Time flies, doesn’t it? Well, happy belated birthday, Tara! I hope 25 is a great year for you. God Bless…

  6. Happy (belated) Birthday! ahhh…the tender age of 25, i loved that year! Now i’m old and pushing 29..lol. we mommies have to give ourselves a pat on our own backs sometimes. I thought of that this morning as I walked to work.. got up, got the hubby and kid ready and made it to work early, amazing!

  7. Happy Birthday to my favorite mommy blogger! I wish you well with all of your endeavors. It’s so great to hear positivity!