School plus babies equals ?

When I wrote the review for the book, Professor, May I Bring My Baby to Class?, I had no idea how many readers had just graduated from school, were currently enrolled, and how many were planning to go back soon.

There’s TONS of you. And suddenly, giving away just ONE book didn’t seem to be able to cut it.

So I contacted the author and asked if we could work out a bulk rate or if she’d like to donate a few additional copies.

She agreed to give me FOUR more books, bringing the total to FIVE books to give away! How sweet is that?

So the winners of the giveaway are:

1) Heather

2) McKenzie

3) Ms. Stacy

4) Sheena

5) Rebecca

Congrats! I’ll be e-mailing you to get your mailing addresses. Please note: Winners have FIVE days from the time I send the e-mail to send me their information or I will have to pick another winner. Thanks!


  1. Rebecca says:

    Thanks! :) Looking forward to the read.