A young dad keeps it real

I don’t watch much YouTube, but after writing a few posts about teen pregnancy PSAs, I decided to go looking for some PSAs that involved the dads. Instead I found something much better.

I found Miguel Armdendarez, otherwise known as Audible484, as he calls himself, a “YouTube superstar.” Um, okay, dude.

He has a series of videos that really dive into the heart of young fatherhood. It’s almost like a bootleg version of A Baby Story, but almost strictly from the dad’s perspective. Gave me something to think about. Check it:

Here he is, about a month before his daughter is born, discussing the reality that is about to hit him:

And here he is on the day of his daughter’s birth. He has some words of wisdom for young dads (and moms) at the 4:19 mark.

But my favorite video? The one that actually made me go, “AWWWWW!” is this one. This last one just shows how great parenthood can be if you take the time to enjoy those little moments that make the hard moments that much easier. If you didn’t watch either of the previous two videos, please watch this one. I dare you to stop watching.

And here he is earlier this year, after his daughter’s first birthday. Check out what he has to say about parents who complain about how hard parenthood is at the 1:30 mark:

His video series was so refreshing, so honest, so beautiful. It’s touching to see a young dad who not only stays around (which should be the bare minimum), but who cherishes his relationship with his daughter. It’s awesome. We need more like him.


  1. This was great. That little girl in the chair was just adorable:) Thanks for sharing

  2. awww! where is a box of kleenex when u need one?! that was just…beautiful and simply amazing. how old was he? he looked very young, but seemed very mature

    • @Courtney – Wasn’t he just the cutest dad ever? I think he was 18 when his girlfriend was pregnant. He was 19 (I think) in the last video.