Letter To A Pregnant Me

Letter received: April 2006

Dear Young Mommy,

Hey there, how are you? Word on the street is you’re freaked out about the baby on the way. You’re panicking. You’re scared. This pregnancy wasn’t planned and you are about to graduate in a year. You’re 20 years old and know nothing about babies.

This is bad timing, admittedly.

But you know what? I’m here to tell you that all is not lost. You think it’s bad now, but let me assure you that things get better. You will have a rough couple of months (okay, the first year is going to be hell) once the baby is born. Every single thing about your boyfriend will annoy you and you will wonder if you’re really supposed to get married to this guy or is it just hormones driving you mad. You won’t sleep and your daughter won’t smile, leading you to think you must really stink at being a mom if your newborn keeps frowning. 

But after that? Once your daughter starts sleeping through the night and you finally graduate (with a 3.7 GPA, I might add) and get that first job? Woo-hoo! Things start looking up. 

You become more confident. Your daughter actually starts smiling! You have enough money left over after rent and bills to buy yourself some Chipotle if the mood hits. You start saving. You’re kicking ass at work. Things are good.

So please don’t fret. The first year of motherhood is probably going to be the most emotionally tiring thing you will ever do in your life. You will work so hard to get the hang of this Mommy role, and by the time you do, you’ll look up and your little one is turning one.

But your daughter will be…amazing. You will look at her and want to pinch yourself. You’ll say, “Wow. Who knew it was possible to be so proud of a little person that barely comes up to my knee?”

It will be hard but so worth it. Every moment. Every minute of postpartum depression. Every time you have a breakdown because you couldn’t ever remember to pack the diaper bag correctly. Every time you would doze off at 2 a.m. while breastfeeding.

You will struggle a bit, but you will SHINE as a mom. Trust me.

Want to hear something else REALLY cool? You’re going to start a blog. I know you’re wondering when you’ll have time to blog, but you’ll make time. This won’t be an ordinary blog. You’ll talk with other young moms, helping them with their concerns. You will create a community that will bring young moms together from all walks of life. You’ll finally find your passion, and that is creating a space for young moms to exist without ridicule or judgment.

You will be amazing.

How do I know?

Because I am you. I’ve been through it all and came out swinging. So will you.

Hang in there.


  1. prymface says:

    Amazing! I’ve helped put a book together of a lot of very similar letters…


    Will do a book review when I know everyone who contributed has their copy.

  2. That should go right at the front of your book. How inspiring. All young moms everywhere, no matter who you are, or where you’re from, things will turn out okay in the end… and it WILL be worth it.

  3. I agree with RT about this going at the beginning of your book. This is awesome!!