the sick one with the sick kid

If you have spent any amount of time on Twitter in the past month, you have probably seen chatter about Disney’s Social Media Moms Conference. (Click the link to check out a variety of write-ups on the event.)

Yup, I was there. Or was I?

See, three days before we left for Orlando, we had to take my daughter in to the doctor. Long story short, she needed antibiotics. For 10 days. And we know that antibiotics can cause diarrhea. (Well, actually, I didn’t know but boy, oh, boy, now I do.)

The day before we left for Orlando (Tuesday), I got hit with the beginnings of the flu. Greeeaaaat. Traveling by myself with a little one, who’s sick as well – “This is gonna be fun,” I told myself sarcastically.

So Wednesday was a bit of highs and lows for me. I was glad we made it to Florida in one piece, but tragically in need of a good solid 5-6 hours in the bed with the help of some NyQuil. We went to the Polynesian, which has to be one of the best “hotels” I’ve been to. It’s the Disney Difference, definitely.

We checked in and I collapsed on the bed. “Am I going to make it to Saturday?” I wondered as I felt my temperature spike.

I wanted to fully enjoy this trip, network, meet new bloggers. But on Thursday, my daughter was sick. Stuck on the potty every 10 minutes it seemed. Calling out for me. What kind of mom would I be (this was a conference for moms after all) if I left her?

So I missed Guy Kawasaki’s chat on the power of Twitter, and my daughter collapsed in the stroller at Epcot, causing us to miss the performance by the Jonas Brothers and dinner by Dinner: Impossible chef Robert Irvine. *sigh* Our Disney trip was cut in half, not to mention the weather was so sucky that I’m sure it didn’t help matters.

I had no hesitation about missing a few sessions so I could give my daughter some extra attention. I am a mother first and foremost. But yeah, I did feel a little left out on Friday when all the other moms walked out of the resort together, linking arms and exchanging ideas on how they were going to create a new project together, and I felt like I hadn’t met anyone yet.

I did meet some cool people at breakfast and during the amazing lunch (I love food – can you tell?). I sent my tweets, and visited the park, got to see Chris Brogan and Kathy Ireland in action, but mentally, I just wasn’t there. My mind was on my daughter. Was she feeling better back in the room? I know my sister was there with her, but it’s just not the same when you want Mommy.

As much as I was enjoying the hilarious tales from Maryellen Hooper (go visit her site – she’s guaranteed to make you laugh), I couldn’t wait to rush back to the resort to scoop my little one up. Luckily, by the time I got back, she was fine. Happy, in fact. I felt good.

I wanted our Disney trip to be perfect. I wanted her to meet Mickey and Minnie and get some mouse ears and “oooh” and “ahhh” over the room and enjoy some warm weather. But life’s not perfect, you know? It’s okay to realize that.

Even if you have to go all the way to Disney to do it.

*Disclosure: I paid a conference fee that covered my hotel, park tickets, and certain meals. I paid my own expensive as hell transportation to and from Disney.


  1. I’m so sorry that you weren’t able to enjoy more of the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. I’m glad I could meet you briefly on Friday afternoon. Hope you are all feeling better and that your daughter has fully recovered!

  2. i’m sorry you guys were sick, but i think you made the right call. we are moms first. always. and everyone else totally understands!!