This Is What A Mom Looks Like

The day started at 5 a.m., the alarm sounding and bringing thoughts of, “Didn’t I JUST go to bed five minutes ago?” Swing your feet over the edge of the bed, stretch a little and stumble through the morning routine: clothes, brush teeth, grab breakfast and lunches, head out the door.

Then there’s traffic. Then work. Then a lunchtime workout saps what little energy is left. A long day at work, then rushing home to get dinner on the table. Wrestle the kids into pajamas. Brush their teeth.

You are almost tapped out. If you were a computer, this is when the warning bubble would come on and advise you to plug it in.

Your little girl looks up at you, big brown eyes sparkling. “Mommy, can you read me these stories?” Her arms are outstretched, holding five or six books. Long books. (Side note: Who the heck decided Curious George books should be 40+ pages?)

You’re exhausted. The thought of reading even one book makes you cringe. You just want to tuck these kids in the bed, turn off the light and go collapse someplace comfy.

But instead you grab a book. “Sure, sweetheart. Let’s read.”

The smile on your kids’ face says it all.

That was my day yesterday. Tired as all get out. It was all I could do not to pass out while slipping the kids into their night clothes. But I gave just a bit more energy, squeezed a little more of myself to give to my kids.

That’s what moms do. We give. And give. And give. We give freely. We give often. We give sometimes begrudgingly. But we give.


  1. so true, so true! at least for real mothers it is. i get so upset when i see parents who are blessed with children who don’t maximize the opportunities that are presented. its the small momnts that builed the strongest memories, foundation and relationship with your kids. and a real mom (like you youngmommy) would recognize the beauty in the sacrifice called “raising children.”

  2. Sounds like a rough day. Doesn’t it seem like you’re running on gas fumes on those days? If that’s how you’ve been feeling lately, you aren’t alone, and I hope you can relax a little.

    The only thing that keeps me going on some days is the gratitude that my kids show. One day I was so tired and grumpy, and my son kept repeatedly calling my name. After the tenth time, I said (through clenched teeth and w/ a throbbing temple) “Yes, Michael?” And he grabs my face and says “I love you sooo much, Mama”, scoots closer and kisses me on the cheek. (That made me feel really slimey for being grumpy.)

  3. And I’m still waiting to receive… in the form of a real vacation… one that can’t be reached by car… and doesn’t ask anything of me! For real.

  4. This sounds like most of my days. Being a mom is one of the hardest and teh most rewarding jobs I’ve ever had…the role really pushes us to the limit. But those smiles, hugs, and milestones makes the day a little bit brighter.