Challenge #10 – Plan a date with your kids

So much of motherhood is stressful. The baby pooped right as you were ready to head out the door, you forgot to pick up diapers and now your kid is sitting in a roll of paper towels while you run to the store. You snap at your partner because he decided the five minutes before dinnertime was the perfect time for him to veg out on the couch watching SportsCenter (YoungDaddy, I’m talking to you.)

It is precisely when you seem to be having one too many of these days in a row when you need to plan a day with your kids. I know you’re thinking, “I spend every day with them – what are you talking about?”

When was the last time we planned something for our kids? I don’t mean signing them up for a class or taking them on a playdate. I mean playing a whole day of fun stuff to do. Like a date.

Take your kids to the movies. Give ’em some popcorn. Take ’em to the mall, and then out to dinner. Go to a museum, or a special event that’s in town. Go to Chuck E. Cheese, if you can stand it. Make a special date with your kids and let them help you plan the activities for that day. Make it fun. Let them pick out a special outfit and make sure you look “special” too.

Sometimes we need to get out of the day-to-day drudgery and shake things up with something new. I try to “date” my kids at least once a month. Just me and my babies. No TV, no Twittering, no writing, no blogging. Just my babies.

So your challenge: Plan a Mommy and Kids Day. Let me know what you get into. :)

Well, this is the last challenge. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! I’m more well rested, my boobs look better and my toes are super cute. If you missed a challenge, find them all here.


  1. Great idea! I’ve done this a couple of times but I want to start doing this at least once a month as well. It’s a great way to bond outside of the house and he still remembers the activities that we’ve done (Mommy! We saw that movie at the movie theater yesterday!! ;except it was like two months ago LOL!!).

  2. MrsDeveter says:

    I love this challange and I actually completed it this past weekend. While we waited for the hubby to come home I took the three to FunZone and we had a blast!

    I often have ‘private time’ with the oldest because he just needs some one on one time with me. It’s a great idea and helps you fall in love with the kids all over again!

  3. Thank you. I needed this today. We are having issues with our middle daughter being cranky, whiny and just overly dramatic. I’ve about had enough of it. But I realize that it’s just because she needs a “girls day” out with just her mom!

    I’m going to see if I can find someone to watch our youngest and just have a mommy/daughter day! Thanks!

  4. Each week, my wife and I schedule individual dates with each of our three children. The children get to pick the activity. The kids love having the one-on-one parent time and my wife and I get to know each child better.

  5. I am so glad I ran across this. I am planning 2 dates, one with my 9 year old and one with my 6 yr old. I am having a bit of trouble trying to figure out what to do with my 6 yr old who is not really into the movie thing. But I am REALLY looking forward to this.

  6. You know, I just started doing that more this month — not just going to swimming class or gymboree, but a real date. And it’s been really fun. It doesn’t even have to be expensive (Rockefeller Center, a trip to Central Park), or long, just fun (for both mom and kid) and as stress-free as possible.
    .-= Alicia @Mommy Delicious´s last blog ..Sometimes Saying No Means I Love You =-.

    • @Alicia – I love going on dates with my kids, especially because they can sense that it’s “special” and they are on their best behavior. :)