
  1. Wow congrats to you! I know you will have an amazing time 😀

  2. Congratulations! I hope it’s everything you dreamed it would be! Soak it up awww yaaa :o)

  3. Okay, who’s jealous? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    Congratulations though, when are u going? Is this the good news from FB we’ve been waiting forever on?

  4. CONGRATS!!! :) :) That is fantastic! Please take lots of pics so that we can live the experience vicariously through you. I too am ecstatic about Princess Tiana. It’s nice that all little girls everywhere will finally have at least one Disney princess that she can identify with!

  5. Congratulations girly!!!! :-) You deserve this!!!

    I cant WAIT to hear all about it!!!!

  6. aw, have fun!!!! and take lots of pics!!!

  7. have lots of fun, congratulations!

  8. Congratulations! I’m sure you will have a great time.

    And a small confession: I had no idea that an African American princess was in the works with Princess and The Frog. I was just in the Disney Store earlier this week – for the first time in YEARS – and noticed some Princess Tiana merch. I thought since my little one is only 5 months, that I missed something. LOL

    Look forward to hearing more about the movie, and your trip.

    ~ humps