it’s summertime and the living is easy….

My fellow mompreneur (well, I’d like to consider myself one!), Kimberly Seals Allers is running a contest over at her Mocha Manual site. Simply head over to her Mocha Manual blog and confess your “summer mommy sins” to enter for a chance to win a signed copy of her Turn Your Passion into Profit book, giving you step-by-step advice of how to make money doing what you ultimately love, written by the woman who has done it herself!

Kimberly had me cracking up with her summer mode. You know what I mean – the no clothes washing, no dinner making, no floor sweeping mom we all seem to become when the temperature starts heating up.

I posted my current summer mommy sins on her blog and here just so you all can see how lazy I’ve been this summer:

It is too hot to breathe most days, so I’ve been slacking. Big time.

Our laundry situation has gotten so bad this summer that we now use our guest room like a freakin’ walk-in closet. LOL. Wash a load of clothes, take them upstairs to the guest room and dump the clothes on the bed. Our actual closets are BARE. Bare, I tell ya!

Other summer mom “sins”?
I fed my kids salad for breakfast. I figured, heck, it’s healthy, right?

It’s been so hot, but I refuse to pay a high electric bill to run the central air. So I wear (ahem) fewer clothes around the house, causing my two-year-old to ask me questions: “Mom, are those your boobs? Do I have boobs? Does Daddy have boobs?” Oh, dear.

We took the kids to the zoo last weekend and we SPRINTED through the exhibits. “Look, kids, there’s the zebra…the giraffe…the elephant! Okay, now back to the car!” Goodness it was too hot, with too much pavement!

That’s pretty much it for me. Summer sure is fun, but fall is probably when my house will get back to order. :)

So head on over and show Kimberly some love. Tell her the Young Mommy sent you! :)