Body after baby challenge, week 1

What have I done since last week to realize my goal of shedding enough pounds so I can quit sucking in my gut? Let’s count the ways:

  1. I picked up Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred DVD and two 2-pound weights.
  2. I dug out my old sports bras and tried to find one that wasn’t so raggedy and that would do something to keep these jugs from bouncing so much.
  3. I worked out THREE TIMES in the past few weeks. This isn’t that impressive to most people, but I haven’t worked out since 2007. For real. This is progress at its finest!
  4. I haven’t been doing as well with eating better, but that’s because working out tricks me into thinking I can afford to eat that extra piece of cake because hey, those crunches I did had to burn off some calories, right?
  5. I’m sore all over. I can’t walk up the stairs. I can’t pick up the kids. I can’t lift a gallon of orange juice without hollering in pain. But Jillian tells me that my muscles are adjusting to being worked out. That this is normal. And since I haven’t worked out since 2007 (sad, yes I know) my muscles are especially tired.

So there you have it. I’m a work in progress and by the end of the month, I should definitely see some changes! I promise I’ll post some pictures so you can see my progress.


  1. Good for you! That’s a great start…I don’t progress nearly that good to report…

  2. Congratulations on getting going. I’ve recently starteed working out and boy is it an experience. I’ve never exercised so this whole thing is new and just a little bit foreign to me. I realized as I’m getting older (turning the BIg 3-0 on New Years Day) that I need to do cardio workouts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Hang in there and Good Luck!

  3. Go Tara Go! says the woman who is sitting in her car eating laffy taffies.