What’s my RealAge?

By now, I’m sure you’ve seen or heard about the RealAge test, which looks at your lifestyle to determine how old you really are by taking account of good activity like exercising (+5 years) or smoking (-10 years)

Young motherhood is a lot like that in some ways. When people ask how old I am, I amaze myself when I say, “23.”

“23?” I think to myself. “There is no way in hell I’m only 23.”

I think young motherhood (if you do it correctly, that is) ages you. But in a good way. You put away some of the childish things from your youth and gain knowledge and wisdom that might have taken you a decade to learn.

But in dealing with the young mother stigma, people don’t often realize that. In their mind, a 23-year-old is a 23-year-old, making stupid decisions and immature mistakes on the daily. What they don’t realize is that we’re just as capable, if not more than, as our 30-something counterparts.

I definitely feel like I have the life of a 40-something mom. Mortgage, childcare issues, stressful job – these are all adult issues. So for me to say I’m 23 just seems to underplay what issues I deal with every day. The average 23-year-old doesn’t stand in the diaper cream section of the store and know which brand works best depending on the severity of the rash. The average 23-year-old doesn’t concoct her own recipe for teething biscuits. She also doesn’t rush to daycare every day so her kid isn’t the last one standing.

All the young mothers out there, let’s take the RealAge Mommy test to see if we’re really where we’re supposed to be.

Do you:

…have one kid? (+5 years)

…have more than one kid? (+10 years)

…raise your kids by yourself? (+10 years)

…know the difference between Huggies and Luvs diapers? (+2 years)

…have your kids’ pediatrican on speed-dial? (+3 years)

…get on the floor and play with the kids at least twice a week? (-7 years)

…have a mastery of “The Look” to get your kids to behave? (+0 years, ’cause I don’t have it down yet! LOL)

…think a good evening is one where no one is screaming or crying? (-4 years)

…go into Target to get just one item and come out a half-hour later, $80 spent, and a new slew of outfits for the kids? (+4 years)

…hate minivans but would be willing to sacrifice your cool if your crew outgrew your current car? (+2 years)

…love your kids more than life itself? (+1 year)

According to this, I’m 33. Not bad. What’s your RealAge? (What I mean, how old do you REALLY feel?)

*Disclaimer – You could attempt this quiz and come up with a RealAge of 102. I don’t do math. I write. My math is shaky and this quiz has no real merit whatsoever. Don’t hold it against me. It was just supposed to be cheeky, so don’t think less of me if I have fallen flat on my face or if you just.don’t.get.it. My feelings won’t be hurt…


  1. Great post! My “real mommy age” is 30 (not bad considering I’m 26).

  2. Wow! 33 huh? I wonder how old i am! I’m not a mom so I guess it wouldn’t work on me!

    Oh, by the way, I just gave you an award on my blog! check it out!

  3. This makes me 36! This was a great and right-on-time post because my motto seems to be “I feel like I’m 35”, lol

  4. Wow, I’m 24 and placed right at 40 which is definitely how I feel most days!

  5. Haha- I totally agree. I am 23 also and think- man are you sure im not 30 yet?

  6. I’m a dad, but my Real Mommy age is 47 (I’m 39).