You Know You’re A Mom When…*Part 2*

…I eat all my dinners in less than 10 minutes. Usually standing up and with a baby on my hip. Forget chewing and savoring the flavor – half the time the food doesn’t even touch my teeth!

…My dining room table has a fine layer of Cheerios dust on it. At all times. That ish seems to just grow.

…I can’t walk past the kids’ clothes section in Target without buying at least one shirt.

…Even with their door closed, all the way down the hallway, through my door and to the bed, where I am under the blankets with my pillow over my head, I can STILL hear them crying.

…I hear phantom cries all the time, where I’ll think I hear one of them crying, race to their room and see them sleeping peacefully. Agh.

What about you? How do you know you’re really a mom?


  1. You are at a store without your kids, but still look up when some kid yells “Mommy”

  2. You reach in your purse at the grocery store for your wallet and instead you start pulling out toys and barrattes.

  3. Omg I thought I was crazy. When jaedyn is sleeping I will get up to wash his bottle out. As soon as I start cleaning it, I swear I hear him crying! Stop in the middle of what I’m doing, go in there and he is knocked out!

    I carry around an extra paci in the car and each coat I’m wearing

    I can’t go into any store with a baby section and not get anything for Jaedyn

    When u tell urself “ok, I’m going into this store to only get something for me!” yet come out with something for the kid anyways and sometimes still didn’t get anything for yourself, lol

    I’ve become obsessed with hand sanitizers

    When u used to always take pics of urself, now the only ones u have are if ur posing with ur kid lol

    When u go out to eat, u order stuff u are able to eat with one hand b.c the kid is usually on the other side of u

    I too miss sitting down to enjoy a plate of dinner and enjoying it…without having to share it with my son…despite me just feeding him. I swear boys are never full!

  4. You know your a mom when:

    -you can go a whole day before realizing you forgot to put on deoterant or a bra for the day

    -when you make funny noises when talking to your hubby or another adult for example…from talking to my kids and preschool kids…I find myself making noise effects when talking all the time…like “honey you want to go nook nook” clucking my tounge against the roof of my mouth…lo…drives him nuts

    -when 5 o’clock no longer means u catch up on the news..instead u tune in the cartoons or movies to get dinner done

    -when you can no longer go to the bathroom on your own– in your own home

    -when you are begging for a nap by 10 am

    – when your bathroom goes from fancy makeup and jewerly– is now replaced with bath toys and mini pottiis

    – when the most reading you do in a week is skimming a boxed meal for directions or standing in the grocry store line skimmy the magazines you used to have time to read or worse…include the words…”pay by”

    – when everyone in the house becomes honey or baby — a name we used to use for our treasured others

    – when you have a hard time remembering your own name…wasn’t mom what i was named at birth…dont even get me started on remembing my age when pple ask.

    – when you no longer have nicly decorated end tables but instead tables filled with toys, car tire scratches and spilt milk..

    ok there’s my few….lol

  5. I knew I was a mom when I found a lone fruit gusher in my purse!

  6. Speaking of Cheerios, I also knew I was a mom when I found a Cheerio stuck to my butt getting out of my bed. Not sure how it got there, but I let the kids cuddle up with me in my bed a lot, so maybe it was stuck to one of their butts first.

  7. you know you’re a mom,

    When you take the day off work just to sleep..

    When you want peace and quiet for your birthday.

    When you have to go the bathroom and you say I have to go potty…

  8. …when you’re rummaging through your purse at work to find your lip gloss and you pull out a diaper, a cheerio and the spiderman toy you were looking for for 20 minutes the night before so that your son would go to sleep

    …when you are on a date with your SO and all you do is talk about your kids

    …when you go to the store to buy yourself something nice (after all you deserve it!) only to come out with a bag full of stuff for the munchkin

    …when you lose weight because your child not only eats all of his food, but yours as well

    …when you cringe at the idea of taking your child to a store that doesn’t have shopping carts

    …when you strategically skip the toy and candy aisles in a store…even when the kids aren’t with you