Worth the read?: Parents, March 2009

Out of all the parenting mags out there, I tend to get Parents most frequently. I can usually count on it for a few tips here and there to make my life easier, and these days, it’s well worth the $4. Parents Magazine March 2009

Parents, March 2009 issue

Cover: Blah. Cute kid but come on! Every month, the photographer must be like, “Plop the kid on the some pillows. Gimme a giggle, kid. Annnnddd, we’re done.” Although all the cover lines look promising: “How to Raise a Healthy Eater,” “Budget Disney,” “Discipline Don’ts,” and “Easier Outings with Baby.” If I were a first-time mom I’d be all over this issue!

Worth the read: “Break your kid’s bad food habits” on pg. 38 has tips on how to keep your kids from preferring the sweet stuff and drinking too much juice during the day. The “Solutions” section on pg. 96 has some really handy tips from other mamas. My fave? Amy Rush, a mom from St. Louis, uses a cheap plastic colander to dry her son’s bath toys and as a inexpensive toy during tubtime. I wish I thought of that.

Skip it: It’s “Baby, Don’t Go There!” feature on page 118 tells new parents about the appropriateness of bringing the baby to certain social settings. Hmmm…I think people discover soon enough if it’s okay to bring babies to funerals, restaurants and the movie theatre. It all depends on your particular kid and how long you plan to be there. Period.

Rating: 3 pacifers out of four. If I had the time, I’d tear out some of these articles so I can put them to good use a little later. Good job, editors!

Have you read this issue of Parents? Let me know what you think!


  1. I get this in the mail now. I subscribed for only like 5 bucks. This was one issue I actually did like a few articles out of. Did you see the page where they had the strollers? I think one was like $900+ bucks or something? I don’t think I read past that part lol. I agree with your rating though

  2. I thought this was an excellent issue!


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