Day #4 – Making Cents for You – The dollar store is your friend

Perhaps I live in a really nice area, but I honestly think our local Dollar Store is God’s gift to me. It’s as if He’s saying, “I know this area is expensive as all get out – let me make it up to you.”

It’s beyond words. They have a freezer section! They sell (albeit cheap) floor tiles! They sell everything.

Now we all know that you can’t buy everything at the dollar store. (I’d stay away from the makeup if I were you.) But, I think there are certain things in each store that are a definitely a bargain.

1. Wooden cooking utensils. The plastic kind tends to warp over time, but a good sturdy wooden spoon will last a lot longer.

2. Children’s books. Ever just scurry by the books in order to get back to the cleaning supplies in the back? Don’t! Dig a little bit. My kids love to read, so why not? For $5, I got five books, including a few Mickey Mouse tales. Considering Barnes & Noble recently charged me $16 for a 10-page book my daughter insisted she wanted, I like stocking up at the dollar store.

3. Organizing tools. I bought six good-sized plastic bins to hold all my personal products under the sink in the bathroom. You couldn’t get six bins at Target for less than $20.

4. Play-Doh. Play-Doh for $1. Who can resist?

What else are you a sucker for do you like to buy at the dollar store?


  1. Oh yeah, the Dollar Store is a good place to find things that you use everyday. From my Dollar Store I’d always get picture frames, coloring books for my daughter, serving dishes, and barrettes for my daughter’s hair. And balloons at party time, girl, the list goes on. You can get cleaning stuff there, dish washing liquid… Like you said, you can’t nor should you buy everything at the Dollar Store, but some things are just a no brainer, lol.

  2. I see I’m not the only one that has noticed the makeup. Pretty suspect if you ask me. My daughter loves the Bratz coloring books.

  3. I like to waste money on the little glass figurines! They can be SO cute…oh and special little gifts for the boo. When he got a promotion at work, I bought those little ribbons that said, “#1 Super Star” and all the other little corny phrases and taped them to his door with balloons. When he came home, I could tell he was touched by my corniness lol. In fact, he left all the ribbons there until it was time for his SuperBowl party…I guess he didn’t want his friends to clown him :-)

    I also like the picture frames as well, cleaning products, the little smell good cones (can’t think of what their called) and kitchen utensils. lol…I could never work there!