Worth the hype? Welch’s Aqua Juice

I was shopping for groceries a few weeks ago, when I stopped in the juice aisle to get something for my daughter to drink. This little girl can guzzle liquid like nobody’s business, so I try not to give her drinks that are loaded with sugar (she’s not big on water, unfortunately).

Then these caught my eye:



“AquaJuice?” I thought to myself. “Have my prayers been answered?”

I read the label and saw all the facts: No high fructose corn syrup. Less sugar than other brands. No added sugar. One full serving of fruit.

I was sold. I bought all three flavors. Strawberry Kiwi, Fruit Punch and Apple.

Worth the hype? In a word, no.

The drinks are basically just a 50/50 mix of water and juice, something you can easily achieve by doing it yourself. Save the money (one of those jugs alone is about $3.50) and get a $4 gallon of juice and dilute it yourself.

Have you tried AquaJuice? Did you like it? Did your kids? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Hi Young Mommy,

    I work with Welch’s and wanted to let you know a little bit more about AquaJuice.

    Welch’s AquaJuice isn’t just “watered down juice” – – it combines the pure fruit juice of Welch’s and natural flavors to create a great taste that kids love with no high fructose corn syrup, added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

    It’s also an excellent source of vitamin C and every 8oz glass counts as one full serving of fruit with only 80 calories.

    Hope this helps you and your readers understand what AquaJuice is all about.



  2. Hi Jackie,

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! That’s cool.

    I do like it (my daughter and husband on the other hand…not so much) for the reasons you mentioned. No HFCS, less sugar, fewer calories, etc.

    BUT…it is pricey and it tasted like watered down juice. (Except the Apple flavor. I will say that one tasted the most like “regular” juice.)

    It seemed like a lot of money to pay for a smaller container of juice. But maybe that’s just me.

    I do applaud Welch’s for making the effort to create a healthier juice option for kids. You see I snapped it up! :)


  3. Have you tried Juicy Juice? It’s kind of small and expensive, but I get it for WIC so I can’t complain. I absolutely love it and it sounds like this Aqua Water stuff, only with a rich, amazing taste :)

  4. I have given her Juicy Juice before and I do like it. I usually water down her drinks a bit anyway, so that’s why I picked up the AquaJuice. She guzzles WAY too much, so I figure if I add a couple ounces of water to each cup, it all evens out in the end…LOL.

  5. Ahh, always something out there that’s new =). Sounds pretty good, but like you said, if making the concoction for less works better for you then that’s the way to go. If you like it to already be done for you then getting this juice is the way to go. Either way it kinda seems like the same price, ‘cept I guess you can stretch the juice a little if you dilute it yourself.

    Sometimes the “watered down” effect will make kids wanna drink more, lol. I have to hide Capri Suns from my daughter!

  6. G, we all could have thought of that one!

  7. honey, just give your child water and call it a day! haha… i hear jackie and all, but it still just sounds like watered down juice to me. i don’t think you’re doing any harm to your child by buying regular fruit juice and diluting it as you mentioned. after all, kids need water!

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