Fat, Not Pregnant

You know you need to get your butt to the gym when you start questioning if you’re pregnant again.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror yesterday, cringed and mentally tried to calculate when my last period was (although I’m on the Mirena IUD and it’s been damn near impossible to calculate my ovulation and all that jazz).

So I figure I need to get serious about that whole “lose the baby weight” goal of mine. (And I know that contradicts #1 of Monday’s post, but hey, I’m not 30 yet.)

I decided to start at the grocery store, because I figure if you don’t buy crap to eat, you can’t eat crap! Brillant, I know. So instead of some BBQ potato chips, I bought apples. Instead of ground beef, I bought lean ground turkey. Instead of chocolate sauce for my beloved ice cream sundaes, I skipped it.

So now, it kind of sucks because I have this urge to go to the store and buy the crap I miss, but as long as it’s snow on the ground, I’m staying put.

Tell me: What weight loss secrets do you all have? I know exercise and a good diet is key, so I’m not looking for any fads, but is there an exercise DVD, a breakfast smoothie you make, anything that can help me before someone mistakenly asks me when I’m due?


  1. When snacking, I fill up on good stuff first: grapes, carrots, soup, etc., so that when I do move to the bad stuff — some chips, chocolate, etc. — I don’t overdo because I’m hungry. Then at least I can say I had something nutritious too. Also, I do make sure I let myself eat some junk because I just don’t believe total restriction works; you’ll deprive yourself for a while and then go TOTALLY bonkers on the junkfood.

  2. Since I use to be a martial artist, I opted for some Taebo DVDs. You will definitely burn the calories and work up a sweat with Billy Blanks. If that isn’t your thing you can always find a DVD workout that is… there are like a million of em’. Its gotta be something fun so you’ll stick with it/will wanna do it.

  3. i am looking for some good smoothie concoctions as well…..

  4. Running after these kids! :) No really, I have been fortunate enough in the past that the weight just falls off leaving a bit of belly behind. This time we’ll see how it goes. I’m never fortunate enough to gain a butt. I do plan to start walking once the snow clears. I actually don’t mind a little weight if it falls in the right places. I grew up with names like String Bean and Lanky and stuff like that.

  5. LOL! Wow, I know what you mean, because I was feeling that way last year, so I started actually GOING to the classes at my local YMCA instead of just reading the class list, and thinking “wow, that class sounds interesting!” I also recommend getting the support of fellow mommies who are working to get fit. Check out The Modern Mom Challenge when you have a sec! I post there at
    It is really inspiring to share whatever part of the process you’re comfortable with, when you have the support of others.

  6. I’m in the same boat. I had my little one a year ago and I still have a little jiggle around my middle. One of the things that helps me (when I actually do it) is the Crunch Cardo Salsa DVD. It’s so much fun you forget that you are working out. Even better, you can take your new dance moves to a salsa club and burn even more calories. Maybe some day I’ll get to work out again and throw away those god awful shapers I bought. Hang in there.

  7. I love kickboxing. So like Ms. Bar B, I have a stack of TaeBo DVDs. But, I found out that I burn a ton of weight by incorporating weight/resistance training into my workout.

    Now, I’m not talking about bulking up, but slimming down. I really push myself on the treadmill by walking at a high incline. I start low (2%) and work my way up to 10%, and then back down. And for resistance, I use my body weight. I do planks, push-ups, squats, and lunges.

    When I workout this way, in opposed to sweating to death with just cardio, I sculpt my body very quickly.