Mommy 1, Disgruntled Toddler 0: Battle of the chips

Early this morning my 2-year-old daughter approached me and asked, in only the way she can, for some chips.

At 8 a.m. For breakfast.

“Chips,” she said, looking like she was mentally counting the seconds until I got off the couch, walked over to the bag of chips and gave in to her demands.

“No chips,” I said. “It’s too early.”

“CHIPS!” she screams, stomping her little feet like I WISH I could do, but I can’t because I’m an adult.

“You can have chips after lunch,” I said, knowing full well that wouldn’t fly with her.

“No, chips now – please,” she said, throwing in “please” at the end, since I told her that was the best way to get what she wanted.

“No chips,” I repeat. I get off the couch and go into the bedroom where my husband is on the bed burping my son.

“She wants chips,” I tell him, as I hear the little munchkin behind me and I know she’s going to ask him.

Sure enough, she did.

“Chips, please, daddy.”

He repeated the same thing I said – no chips. She scrunched up her little face and curled her lip like she was about to cry.

“Let’s get you some cereal,” I said, nudging her toward the door.

“No cereal,” she said, pouting.

“Yes, let’s go,” I said, walking into the kitchen.

She follows me into the kitchen and I pour myself a bowl of Frosted Flakes. I pick one up and hand it to her. “Want a chip?” I ask.

“That’s not a chip,” she said, giving me the “Duh” face.

“It’s a sweet chip,” I said. “You like sweet chips, right?”

She took it and ate it. “Mmm. Yummy.”

“Mommy’s eating cereal. Would you like some of your cereal?”

“Mm-hmm,” she said, nodding.

I poured some Cheerios. She ate them.

Mommy 1, Disgruntled Toddler 0

I win!


  1. This is why you are super mom. You handled it much better than I ever would have thought of!!!

  2. I couldn’t even believe it worked! I wanted to give myself a hi-five! LOL.

  3. Seriously…did our 2 year olds have a meeting of the minds last night? Mine wanted cookies for breakfast!!!! You did good.

  4. That was too funny! My son gets angry when I he asks for things properly, and I still say no. The way you handled that was GREAT! Good job, and GREAT read!

  5. Congrats on winning that battle =)

  6. My current war with my two year old is the whole potty training thing. What makes it so hard is that the same woman who raised me, the same woman who would give me “beatings” for lesser offenses says that I am way too hard on my daughter. So I say, that’s one for the team!!

  7. @ Brandi – I have yet to figure out how to do it consistently. If ever I needed a parenting manual, it’s now! :)

  8. I tell you, these 2-year-olds are much too much! I don’t know where they get these ideas from! :)