Weekly inspiration: Who’s your personal cheerleader?

At the end of the day, you want nothing more than to kick off your shoes, slip into something more comfortable, drink some tea (or wine) and relax. If you’re lucky, you might have someone to give you a foot rub or a back rub. Maybe they’ll even give you some words of encouragement, tell you what a great job you’re doing.

Ask yourself: Who is standing on the sidelines in your life, giving you the personal chants and cheers that get you riled up and ready to tackle the next important thing in your life? Who is the person you can call when things get rough and you need a little pep talk?

Is it your mom? Your aunt? Grandma? Dad? Your husband or boyfriend?

What if you don’t have one? What if you are going at this alone?

You’re going to have to be your own cheerleader.

Sounds rough, but everyone should be their own cheerleader anyway. Make yourself your favorite meal after a long week. Buy yourself one of those massage pads that tie to the chair for an instant back massage whenever you want one. Get some new nail polish and treat yourself to a mini mani-pedi.

Make sure you do something for yourself that says, “You are fab-u-lous!”  Because if you don’t, who will?


  1. Well I can truly say that my husband and children are my personal cheerleaders. I get praise and thanks everyday. Feels great!

  2. politicalmusic says:

    I’m sending this to the girlfriend now! lol

  3. I have 3 cheerleaders on my team. The first one was kind of hard to come by, but after really sitting back an analyzing all that I do, I’ve learned to become my own cheerleader. It’s a work in progress still.

    My 2nd cheerleader is my son’s god mother. There is no way I could have gotten through my 50 days of hospital bedrest without her. When ever I’m down I can ALWAYS count on her to cheer me up and look at the brighter side of things. She is there for me financially, emotionally, heck all of the “ally’s” lol.

    My 3rd cheerleader is YOU!!! when I have my mini mommy breakdown’s, you’re the first one I go to. I wouldn’t even think of going to anyone else first. You’ve calmed me down and made me “normal” about everything and it helps soooooo much. It helps me so much when ever we talk. Well, more like you listening and me constantly venting and telling you about a new problem in my crazy life!

    Without God and my cheerleaders, I honestly don’t think I’d still be here…or at least as sane! :)

  4. Great post.

    The majority of the time I am my #1 cheerleader and when I drop the ball all my fellow mommies that walk in my particular shoes pick it right up. We have a game going here, no pom poms, but a ball of motivation that gets passed around the circle.