Weekly Inspiration (Double dose this week!): Quote from childbirth educator

When I had my daughter, I took a childbirth class taught by a woman I like to call Miss Thou Shalt Not Have an Epidural Under Any Circumstances. I didn’t listen to her advice much after she stated her views on the life-saving epidural, but she said one thing to us that I always recall when things get too crazy and overwhelming:

“When you get upset or feel frustrated and don’t know what to do, remember this: You’ve already done the hard part. You created life. Your body created another body. You made a brain, you made a heart, you made skin. You created a PERSON. You are already an extraordinary mom, because you’ve done the hard part. Figuring out why the baby is crying has GOT to be easier than creating a brain, right?”

For some reason, this soothed me. I mean, think about it: You created something no one else has been able to create outside the human body. Do you realize how complex our brains are? It’s the earth’s fastest, most capable computer. And you MADE ONE. Wow.

It means no matter what life throws at you, you are capable of doing it. It’s inside you, just like creating life. 

Go ahead and pat yourselves on the back now. You earned it.


  1. Yeah, just one thing. Its the person whom I created with the brain that is the problem, lol. I think once they realize just how hard of a job that creation and birthing process was, then the mommy frustrations will be a thing of the past.

  2. Lol, I totally agree with Ms. Bar B!!!

    But on another side of the “computer” aspect of it, yes you created it, but the programming is even harder. You want to make sure you are doing, saying, modeling, teaching, etc., the right things into it. You want to program it to run smoothly, do the right things, work better than any other computer so that it will stand out from the rest. Did I say that to make sense? That’s what can be frustrating and hard. Even though I had the roughest pregnancy of anyone I know, that was the easy part compared to all of the “programming” I’m gonna have to do to his “computer” as he grows up!

  3. I think I made mine wrong.

  4. Oh, yes, that is the glass-is-half-full way of thinking about it. Until the little stinkers start acting up! (But I get your point!!!)

  5. I am truly awesome for creating what I’ve created. But I definitely need some more thorough manuals to figure out how to make them operate correctly :)

  6. I like that. That’s a great way to think of it.