Real Mom Gift Guide: Leap Frog FridgeFarm


LeapFrog FridgeFarm Magnet Set, $18.99

I’m recommending a toy today that my daughter has owned for more than a year and she’s still in love with it. (Two signs that it might be worth the money, right?)

Why do I love it? For one, it keeps her occupied when I’m in the kitchen making dinner. She loves to be near me, but Mommy can’t get dinner on the table if I’ve got a toddler clinging to my waist. The LeapFrog FridgeFarm sticks to your fridge, playing a few songs, encouraging your child to match the correct animal halves. If she mixes, for instance, a horse top and a sheep bottom, the toy will reply, “A horse-sheep? That’s silly!” Very, very, funny indeed.


  1. Oh ok. I’m entertained. The price is right too!