Would you have a baby at 70?

I have a hard enough time keeping up with my daughter and I’m 22. But old age didn’t squash this woman’s desire for a baby, and at 66 she gave birth to her daughter, making her one of the world’s oldest new moms.

Now, this story is precisely the opposite of what we at Young Mommy Chronicles represent. I did the math, and both of my kids will be out of my house by the time I’m 40 (assuming they leave the house at 18). Now, this mother didn’t start her motherhood journey until 66, and while she admits that it is hard to keep up with her daughter, she says she doesn’t regret her choice.

‘Right now, it’s hard to have the time to even wash my hair,’ sighs Adriana, ‘When she sleeps, I sleep. I relax, maybe, when she’s in the nursery. I’m living knowing that as Eliza grows older, I will have more time for myself.’

Perhaps, but she’ll be 80 when Eliza is well into the terrible teens and 84 when she is finally an adult. What energy will she have left to spend more time on herself? Will she, indeed, still be alive? Such is the reality of parenthood for the world’s oldest mother and even though there is no doubting her love for Eliza, one can’t help but wonder if this is all Adriana hoped it might be when she fulfilled her obsession to have a child, regardless of age. She insists, vehemently, that it is.

‘Motherhood is so much more than I hoped for, more beautiful and passionate,’ she says defiantly, ‘It is relaxing looking after a child. It’s everything else that is tiring.’