#SheInspires | Michelle Jones: “On Really Tough Days I Need To Write In My Journal”

I just met Michelle recently (as in, she retweeted some of my links, I checked out her blog and instantly became a fan). She is due with her second child any day now and she also has an 11-month-old who keeps her on her toes. I love her blog, BlackZenMama, and everything it represents. I’m sure you’ll dig Michelle just as much as I do.


Name: Michelle Jones
Age: 24
Kids: Two girls/ A one-year old and I’m due with my second child late July 2014
Whenever I have a moment of free time I look forward to… a nap or a long, hot shower (my bathroom is sorta like my sanctuary!)
My mommy superpower is…. preparing her favorite meals/snacks
On really tough days I… need to write in my journal. It’s one of the best ways I can clear my thoughts and truly relax.
My kids inspire me to…. challenge myself. I want them to say one day “Wow, mama you actually did THAT?”
One thing I miss from my pre-Mommy life is….going out late-night randomly with my husband. Seriously, we would hop in our car just to go get a sundae from Sonic around 11 at night! Fun Times!
The thing that scares me the most about motherhood is….losing my children physically. I suffered many female complications (including a miscarriage) before I was able to successfully conceive so the thought of losing them still lingers around from time to time.
The thing that excites me the most about motherhood is….watching them experience life.
I know for sure I’m passionate about...my family. I care so much about their well-being more than my own at times. I always want to see them happy and enthusiastic about life. 
If my kids can only remember one thing I teach them, I hope it’s...to never stop evolving in life
I feel like a great mom when….my daughter bounces up and down laughing hysterically from a silly face or sound I made.
My personal motto is…..always be present in the moment and enjoy every part of it.
One thing that would make motherhood easier is if….I had a clone.