“Make It To 10 AM In A Good Mood And The Day Takes Care Of Itself”



One of the things I hate most about being self-employed (and there’s only 1 or 2 things on the list) is that you have to rely on yourself to make it through the days. There are no coworkers just one desk over, no morning commute to give yourself time to adjust to the work day ahead, etc. It’s you and your business. If you don’t have the right mindset going into the day, you might as well pack it up and do something else.

Motherhood is much the same way. If you wake up tired, grouchy, still upset about things that happened yesterday, you lose the battle. It’s up to US to determine how we face the day, how we handle a rough day or a bit of bad news.

My husband has a habit of posting an inspirational quote on Facebook each morning and a few weeks ago, it was “Make it to 10 a.m. in a good mood and the day takes care of itself.” It has stuck with me and I tried to keep that in the front of my mind as I got up and began my day. Even if it takes tremendous effort to be happy in the morning, isn’t it better to use that energy than to allow yourself to get stuck in negativity?

So here’s a challenge: Each day for the rest of this week, get up and smile. Stretch and be thankful you’ve seen another day. Think about all the good things that can come your way that day. Anticipate having a smooth commute. Anticipate having a great conversation with your boss. Think positive about your to-do list. Train yourself to think happier thoughts and over time, you will find yourself living a happier life.

Are you in? Let me know how you’re doing over at the Young Mommy Life Facebook page or hit me up on Twitter.