Let’s Talk About Sex…

If you’re a fan on our Facebook Page (1,735 young mamas and growing!) you know that Eden Fantasys (yes, for the grown and sexy) is one of the sponsors for this blog.

I realized, after taking to Maria, the self-described sex toy whisperer (seriously, what a cool job) and blogger outreach coordinator for the company, that I don’t talk about sex much on this site.

Why is that, I wonder? I know previously, I shied away from talking about sex because well, I try to keep SOMETHING private and even though I blog about everything under the sun, my sex life remains in the dark.

But even if I don’t talk about my sex life, I could probably stand to inject a bit more “how to have a healthy sex life” into this here blog. Because isn’t that what we all want?

I started reading the EdenCafe blog, associated with Eden Fantasys, to get some ideas about what to write about. I mean, if you can’t get ideas from a blog that has sex toy reviews and demos (no, they are not graphic), then where can you go?

Maria directed me to the Sex and Parenting category and bam! I hit the jackpot. This post, written by a freelance writer/blogger who’s also a stay-at-home mom, might as well have been written by me. Sex and exercise can indeed make the stress melt away.

Or this post, on finding body confidence after having a baby. So many moms could relate to that.

I’m on a never-ending quest to make more time for pretty and we know that it can lead to improvements in other areas too. *wink, wink* So head over to the EdenCafe blog and browse with me, will ya?

P.S. Did you know you could write for the EdenCafe blog? They pay, too – in the form of Eden Fantasys gift cards. So what better way to build up your spice chest?