Care to share your two cents?

I don’t pretend to know everything there is about motherhood – I couldn’t know everything, even if I tried.

So in writing this book, I’m asking for your help – your insights and observations, tips, tricks and advice that has helped you along the way. Writing a book solely from my viewpoint – that would be boring, right?

I’ve created these surveys for you to give your input to me, in a way that I can capture and read and edit and pick and choose. It’s a lot of work, yo!

Do me a favor and fill one (or all of them) out and be included! Deadline to answer these surveys is July 23.

General survey Tell me who you are and what you think should be included in the book.

Your kids Tell me about the joys and challenges of raising kids, no holds barred!

Money issues Are you scraping by or saving money every month? Tell us how you do it!

Stereotypes and the young mom Have you ever dealt with judgmental stares and comments? Share how you get people to mind their business.

Thanks in advance for your help!