How Does Childbirth Affect Your Sex Life?

Once I got to the halfway point of my first pregnancy and realized, “Holy hell, this kid has got to come out of me somehow,” I’ve been freaked out by labor and delivery. A 7 or 8 pound human has to come out of your vagina? How will it ever be the same?

A new Psychology Today article discusses the (what else?) psychological and physical effects childbirth has on new moms’ sex lives. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture, but it does discuss the effects a vaginal birth has on sex versus a C-section. With C-sections becoming an ever more prevalent (one it’ll looks like I’ll be visiting twice), it reports that 55% of new moms who had a C-section were dissatisfied with their sex lifes, while 70% of new moms who had vaginal births were unsatisfied.

I bet this is one of the most popular questions women ask their doctors or their other mom friends. How does childbirth affect your sex life? Does it get better? Will it ever be the same? I have to say that after having a C-section, it took a long time to get back in the sack. Recovery was so unexpected, so much more difficult than I had anticipated that it took months for me to finally feel like I was getting my groove back.

What about you? Was your sex life one of your biggest worries about having a baby? Did your sex life change at all? Tell me about it in the comments. (And feel free to be anonymous! Let’s have an honest discussion about what REALLY goes down after a baby.)