#SheInspires | K. Elizabeth McCoy: “Parenting In General Is A Mixture Of Trial And Error”

SheInspires - Kerry

Name:  K. Elizabeth McCoy

Age: 28
Kids: Two kids ages 5 (girl) & 3 (boy)
Whenever I have a moment of free time I look forward to… Curling up with a good book or work on finishing up my two novels.  I’ve also been overdosing on British crime shows like Luther and The Fall at the moment when I have the time.
My mommy superpower is…. Cooking for multiple food allergies from scratch.  It’s definitely a challenge some days spicing meals up because there are things that my son is allergic to that my daughter isn’t and vice versa.  Thankfully, I’ve always had a passion for cooking and I get joy for making meals from scratch.  Like I make my own spaghetti 85% of the time as opposed to using can sauce.
On really tough days I… Take a few minutes of alone time to gather my thoughts.  My husband is really good about spending time with the kids before he has go to work and just giving me that 20 or 30 minutes to be alone and just breathe, cry or whatever it is I need to do to get back in a positive mind space.
The thing that scares me the most about motherhood is….Failing my children.  There’s no manual for this or a one size fits all.  Parenting in general is a mixture of trial and error.  My childhood left me with a lot of emotional scars and I strive to make sure that my children don’t have those same experiences.
The thing that excites me the most about motherhood is…. Just watching my children grow and knowing that I had a hand in creating them and shaping them.  I’ve always been in awe of life and the fact that we can create it.
I know for sure I’m passionate about….My family, my faith and giving back to others.
If my daughter can only remember one thing I teach her, I hope it’s…..Stick to your morals and values.  We live in a day and age where literally anything goes and I want my daughter (and my son) to stand for something and not fall for anything.
I feel like a great mom when….My kids are totally oblivious to the fact that I’m in the room and I get the chance to just really observe and see how genuinely they happy they are and that they’re great kids with compassion and true concern for those around them.
My personal motto is….Have faith and respect the journey.
One thing that would make motherhood easier is if….I had an extra set of hands.  A lot of times, I do feel like I’m spread a little thin, but I manage and make it work in the end.  It’s all about prioritizing.



  1. Thanks inviting me to be apart of She Inspires! Being recognized as a person who inspires others is very humbling.