My Birthday Wish For The Upcoming Year


Birthday Cake by Will Clayton | Flickr

I’m turning 27 next week. Feels like I just turned 26. Can’t believe I’m this close to 30. Don’t feel like an “almost-30something.”

But overall, life is good. I feel good. I’m happy about the direction of most areas of my life and with school coming to a close, I feel like I can check off one major life goal and breathe a little bit. I’m generally not as stressed about money as I used to be. I enjoy my kids and I enjoy my work.

If there is one thing that I would like for my 27th year, it is more faith. This year has been more spiritual than others for me and I don’t know if it’s been apparent on the blog but I have generally moved from being a stress-wound, anxious mess of a person to being more content and secure. The stress of 2011 took a lot out of me, more than I let on. I was seriously considering going on some type of medication, because some days my daily to-do tasks were too much to deal with. I have no idea how I managed.

So at the beginning of this year, I took a good hard look at my life. There was too much stress. Some stuff had to go. I dropped my internship. I cut ties with a company that was no good for my anxieties. (Every time I got an email from them, my heart dropped. Not good.)

I began to cut myself more slack with my kids and learn how to enjoy them more. I started getting more organized, so my life would be less jumble and make more sense. I began relying on other people for help, not resisting when someone offered to do something nice for me.

And life began to be more enjoyable. I didn’t go broke because I wasn’t stressing about my finances. I didn’t see the world crumble because I wasn’t trying to keep a super-tight grip on the outcome. In short, when I let go of my fears and embraced life, as it really is and not how I wanted it to be, that’s when I began to see how joyous life can be. I had to have faith that all things will work out for my good!

So for the next year, I want more of that. More freedom, less stress, more fun, less pressure. It’s a good goal, yes?

Stay tuned.



  1. Happy Birthday! You are such an inspiring woman!

  2. Happy Birthday! I’m having to do the same.

  3. That is a fantastic goal. I’m learning to do the same thing. Best wishes in 2013!