{VIDEO} Watch The First “Young Mom Summit”: Student Moms Talk About Juggling School, Work and Family

My goal in 2012 is to do more things that scare me, that push me out of my comfort zone. So that means more video. I prefer the anonymity of the keyboard, I like letting the words on the screen represent me. But as YML continues to grow, I realize I won’t be able to hide forever.

So two weeks ago, I asked four of my student-parent friends to participate in the first Young Mom Summit. Powered by Google Hangouts, the 30-minute chat was designed to provide other young mothers (or even older mothers! Or young fathers!) with advice and inspiration if they are thinking about going back to school or if they are currently enrolled.

So check out the first video and PLEASE share with folks you think need to see it! 


  1. Next time, I’ll actually turn on the Living Room lights (and not just the lamp) so that people can see my facial expressions as I speak. LOL.

    Really though, this was SUCH a good idea and I’m happy to have been a part of it. I hope we can do more things like this in the future.

  2. I agree with pretty much everyone, especially SUPPORT being so important (both financial aid and moral/physical support from family and friends. But aside from that, the most important thing when jugging school/work/family is being organized and having self discipline. Writing appointments, exam and paper due dates, waking up early, having a routine, starting assignments right away (or even ahead of time), preparing lunch the night before, keeping all of my papers etc tidy and neat… all of these things help so much in having a successful semester. As parents we juggle so many things outside of school that being organized is KEY into successfully and effectively doing them all. At least for me.

    That was so awesome to see! I especially loved to hear the first young ladies story (alex). I’d love to take part in one in the future sometime!!

  3. Tara,
    This was great! I was a young, single mother who went back to school online when my son was barely 2 months old and then I moved back to campus when he was 6 months old. I can relate to a lot of what these young ladies have shared. I’ve shared this video on my social media and I’m sure it will inspire many!
