Best of 2010 – YML Style, Part 1

Everyone and their mama is doing a “year in review” so heck, so will I. Ready to look back at 2010? Of course you are. But since this post becoming incredibly long, we’re breaking it into two parts. Are you ready for part one? Let’s go!


I started the year with a Happy Mom challenge. (Missed it? Check it out at the link.)

Each day, for 10 days, I challenged moms to do little things that showed how much they cared about themselves. Buy some nail polish, go to bed early, create your own happy hour, you know – taking care of #1! It was my goal to help you get your year started off right by focusing on what really matters. I might bring the challenge back for 2011 – stay tuned. :)


This is the month of love, right? I shared some tips on how to keep things spicy in the bedroom in the hopes of having more of us walking around with the “Wasn’t last night AMAZING?” face. (If you don’t know what face I’m talking about, then it’s been too long for you.) I also told you to check out Colin Stuart for some super sexy shoes that won’t be too harsh on your paycheck. I also wrote a funny little ode to the things we do as mamas. (Check out my list and see if you have the same crazy behaviors I do!)


In March I went to D.C. for the annual meeting of the National Crittenton Foundation, an organization that is dedicated to helping young mothers and young women make the most of their lives and reach all their goals. I have never been more inspired. In fact, this trip is what solidified my desire to go to graduate school. This is also where I met Lisette for the first time. :)

I also got brave and showed off some stretch marks. Sadly, my weight loss efforts for 2010 have been in vain. My pudge is still there. Le sigh.


I must have really been floating on cloud nine after my trip to D.C. because I was on FIRE in April. Check out my favorite posts:

They come when they’re supposed to

Confession time: I need a do-over

Fighting the F.R.U.M.P (if you haven’t read this one – make it required reading!)

My two cents on 16 & Pregnant


I gave props to a young dad who was a proud papa to the most adorable little girl ever. (Which reminds me – I need to get an update from him! His daughter must be over a year old by now!)

I gave a shout-out to all the moms who keep the family running smoothly. It takes a lot of work to remember all the details and I give you props for doing your thing!

I asked, why does motherhood seem to be a friendship-killer? The number of friends I have has dwindled considerably since I gave birth. Is that normal?

Things got a little heated when we discussed whether moms should be clubbing. Great conversation all month long, just how I like it!


So I had a full 24+ hours to myself (hubby was out of town, kids were with grandparents) and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what to do with myself. How sad is that?

I also shared the little lullaby I would sing to my daughter when she was a newborn. Sigh. Now she’s four.

My commenters make me smile because I always find cool new blogs when they take a minute to write a comment and leave their blog URL. Here’s a post I did on seven young mommy bloggers that you should be reading, like, NOW.

Yes, I know that’s a lot of posts and a lot of clicking. But let me tell you – I picked the best of the best so you won’t be bored. :)

Tomorrow? Part two!


  1. I love this! Especially since I wasn’t aware of the YML community back in January through March, so yea, this is awesome! You’ve have quite a successful year, and I can’t wait for part-two tomorrow. And for what 2011 brings to this community. Now I’m off to clicking those links from way back when…
    .-= Alicia @Mommy Delicious´s last blog ..Sometimes Saying No Means I Love You =-.

  2. I was so honored to be on that list hehe <3 and I LOVE the Frump post. I'm still fighting it! haha. <3

    Here's to many more fantastic posts in 2011!
    .-= jess; [the bottle chronicles]´s last blog ..Pictures of Our Christmas Festivities =-.