
  1. awww. I’m a twenty something mom too- it’s nice to find other blogs by “young” mom’s! :)

  2. Awwww! I love it! :)

  3. Courtney says:

    Awww, I think you do a good job, even though I did notice how demanding Ayanna is. That’s why I tried to play with Thomas a bit more. I can’t imagine how it would be trying to split my time and love between two children, that’s another reason I don’t want another child. Could I love the 2nd one the same way I love my first? Whether I could or not, I don’t want to take that love and any attention away from Jaedyn. It wouldn’t be fair to him in my opinion. Yeah having a sibling can be good so the kid will have someone else to play with, etc., but he’s about to have 2 cousins right around the corner, so he won’t be lonely 😉

  4. tmpringl says:

    @ Samantha – I’m heading over to your blog now. I love finding other young mom blogs too!!

  5. tmpringl says:

    @ Courtney – Yes, do you see what I’m dealing with? I felt horrible because TJ has essentially been gone for an entire week. He went out of town, but when he came back he had to work late, meaning I had to put the kids to bed by myself. I definitely love them equally, but the fact is, only one kid can sit on my lap at a time, no matter how hard I try!! It’s frustrating, and since Ayanna’s more mobile and more vocal about her needs, I’m usually tending to her. I try to spend some cuddle time with Thomas each day, or make sure I hold him while I’m fixing something for her, but it’s hard. I’m sure things will turn around though when he’s a little older and they can play together…